Chapter 6: Technology


District Technology Resources

The resources covered by these regulations include all of the District’s computer systems, software, Internet access, and networks and their various configurations. The systems and networks include all of the computer hardware and peripheral equipment, operating system software, application software, stored text, and data files. This includes email, local databases, externally-accessed databases (such as the Internet), clip art, digital images, digitized information, communications technologies (including audio and video capability), and new technologies as they become available. The District reserves the right to monitor all technology resource activity.  


Each classroom is equipped with a telephone for staff use. These telephones help provide better communication between teachers and parents. During instructional times, the teacher places the telephone on “do not disturb” mode. A parent, however, may leave a message on the teacher’s voicemail at any time during the day or evening, and the teacher will return the call at his/her earliest convenience. 

Students may be allowed to call home for health or safety reasons. Phone calls for forgotten homework or after school social planning will not be permitted during class time. Students should not place phone calls during the school day without staff member permission.

Authorized Use

Authorized use of the District’s technology and the Internet shall be governed by procedures developed by the Superintendent and the Board of Education. Access to the District’s technological resources will be granted only upon receipt of the appropriate consent agreeing to adhere to the acceptable use guidelines. The District’s Technology Resources are a part of the District 146 curriculum and have not been provided as a public access service or a public forum. The District has the right to place restrictions on the material that users access and post through its technological resources. Users of these resources are expected to follow the general use policy, any rules found in District or school handbooks, any Board or administrative directives, and all applicable local, state, federal and international laws.

Unacceptable Use

The user is responsible for his or her actions and activities involving the network. Some examples of unacceptable uses are:

  1. Using the network for any illegal activity, including violation of copyright or other contracts, or transmitting any material in violation of any State or federal law.
  2. Unauthorized downloading of software.
  3. Downloading copyrighted material for other than personal use.
  4. Using the network for private financial or commercial gain.
  5. Wastefully using resources such as file space.
  6. Hacking or gaining unauthorized access to files, resources or entities.
  7. Invading the privacy of an individual, that includes the unauthorized disclosure, dissemination, and use of information about anyone that is of a personal nature including a photograph.
  8. Using another user’s account or password.
  9. Posting material authored or created by another without his/her consent.
  10. Posting anonymous messages.
  11. Using the network for commercial or private advertising.
  12. Accessing, submitting, posting, publishing, or displaying any defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, obscene, profane, sexually-oriented, threatening, racially offensive, harassing, or illegal material.
  13. Using the network while access privileges are suspended or revoked.

Student Responsibilities

  • Students utilizing District-provided technology resources must first have the permission of and/or be supervised by District 146 professional staff.
  • Individual students are responsible for their use of the network.
  • Students must practice appropriate behavior and judgment when on-line or using other technology resources. The same general classroom rules for behavior and communication apply. Since network communication is often public, students are responsible for behaving as appropriately on the network as they are in school. Students may be disciplined up to, and including, expulsion for inappropriate use.
  • All resources should be handled with care. Hardware and software must not be modified, abused or misused in any way.
  • Students shall not download anything without prior approval. Students are responsible for reporting any unauthorized software that they observe on the network. Failure to report to their teacher may result in a suspension of computer usage.
  • Network passwords are to be used exclusively by the authorized owner of the password. Passwords should never be shared with others. Students shall not attempt to gain access to others’ passwords, modify others’ passwords or any files or other data belonging to others or misrepresent others on the network. Disclosure of an individual password or utilization of another student’s password shall be the basis for revocation of computer privileges and may subject the student to additional discipline. The owner of a password shall be responsible for actions using the password.
  • Students shall not attempt to access the District’s network or technological resources in a way that compromises the security of the network by trying to gain unauthorized access or going beyond authorized access to District resources.

Student Email

The District does not provide students with personal email accounts. Thus, all student use of email shall be under the supervision of a staff member and shall be consistent with the District’s curriculum and educational mission. Students shall not be allowed to use the District’s electronic mail communication for personal messages, anonymous messages or communications unrelated to the school program.
Students may be  disciplined up to, and including, expulsion for the creation of inappropriate emails sent via the school network and may also be disciplined up to, and including, expulsion for receiving and not reporting inappropriate email.

Students shall respect the privacy rights of others and shall not attempt to access any electronic mail communications not directed to them or intended to be received by them.

Network Etiquette

The user is expected to abide by the generally accepted rules of network etiquette. These include, but are not limited to the following:
  1. Be polite. Do not become abusive in messages to others.
  2. Use appropriate language. Do not use any inappropriate language.
  3. Do not reveal personal information, including the addresses or telephone numbers, of students or colleagues.
  4. Recognize that email is not private. People who operate the system have access to all mail. Messages relating to, or in support of, illegal activities may be reported to the authorities.
  5. Do not use the network in any way that would disrupt its use by other users.
  6. Consider all communications and information accessible via the network to be private property.

Student-Created or Distributed Written or Electronic Material Including Blogs and Social Media Websites

A student may be disciplined for creating and/or distributing written, printed, or electronic material including photographs, Internet material, and blogs, that causes substantial disruption to school operations or interferes with the rights of other students or staff members.

District Responsibilities

Although it is the District’s goal to develop responsible users of technology, it must be understood that making network and Internet access available, even with the use of an Internet filtering service, carries with it the potential that network users will encounter sources that may be considered controversial or inappropriate. Because of this the District is not liable or responsible for the accuracy or suitability of any information that is retrieved through technology. Additionally, because no technology is guaranteed to be error-free or totally dependable, the District is not responsible for any information that may be lost, damaged or unavailable due to technical difficulties.

Again, it is important to remember that the use of District technology is a privilege and not a right. The District has the right to determine consequences for the abuse and/or misuse of its technological resources or properties.

Software and Hardware Use and Installation

Only authorized persons (Technology Team, teachers, and administrators) are permitted to install software and/or hardware on District technological resources.

No software or hardware is to be installed on District resources without the licensing agreement that allows the installation. Users must not connect or install any computer hardware or software which is their own personal property to or on the District’s resources without prior approval of building or district level administrators. In addition, such hardware or original media software purchased by individual users must be accompanied by a legitimate proof of purchase. Users must not download any material or software from the Internet for which a fee or license agreement is required without the approval of appropriate building or district level administrators.

The District Technology Team is only responsible for installing District-purchased and approved software. Assistance with installing and troubleshooting personally purchased software that has been approved by an administrator will be available by the Technology Team as time permits and as District resources allow. It is the policy of District 146 to abide by all software licensing agreements.

The Technology Team will be responsible for maintaining a licensing agreement file.

The District Technology Team, will not reinstall unapproved copies of software nor will they be able to retrieve any data files, which are required to be saved to a user’s home drive. With this in mind, please keep any installation disks of specific school-purchased software in an identified location at each school. Users are personally responsible for making backups of any data files that may have been stored on a local hard drive.

No Expectation of Privacy

All technological resources, along with associated network wiring and management devices, are owned in their entirety by Community Consolidated School District 146. All information, correspondence, and communication contained in the files that reside on District 146’s technological resources, or that were sent or received using District Technology resources, are owned by District 146.

Therefore, users waive their right to privacy with respect to their files and communications and consent to access and disclosure to them by authorized District personnel and those external personnel designated by the Superintendent. Authorized District personnel shall be identified by the Board or Superintendent and shall include, but not be limited to, the Superintendent, the members of the Administration, Principals and Assistant Principals. Technical support personnel will have limited access to files while performing their roles.

Internet Filtering

District 146 subscribes to an Internet filtering system, as required by the federal Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA), to filter out sites with content considered unacceptable for educational use. While using District 146 technology resources, no user may attempt to bypass this filtering system or attempt to access the Internet in any other way.

Student Online Personal Protection Act

School districts throughout the State of Illinois contract with different educational technology vendors for beneficial K-12 purposes such as providing personalized learning and innovative educational technologies, and increasing efficiency in school operations. 

The Student Online Personal Protection Act (SOPPA) requires that Illinois School Districts provide families with information about these vendors and what information they may be acquiring. More information on SOPPA, along with a list of vendors contracted with District 146 can be found on the District website.

Copyright Issues

Users must abide by all copyright laws and respect the rights of copyright owners. Copyright infringement occurs when a user inappropriately reproduces a work that is protected by a copyright.

Under the “fair use” doctrine, unauthorized reproduction or use of copyrighted materials is permissible for such purposes as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship or research. All users must follow the “Fair Use” guidelines when using information gained from the Internet.

Users shall not plagiarize. This also applies to works that are found on the internet or through other electronic resources. Plagiarism is presenting the ideas or writings of others as one’s own. It is important for users of technology to cite sources used in papers and presentations both from an ethical and legal standpoint.

Video and Audio Monitoring Systems

Video and/or audio monitoring may be in use on school buses and a video monitoring system may be in use in public areas of the school building. These systems have been put in place to protect students, staff, visitors, and school property. If a discipline problem is captured on audiotape or videotape, these recordings may be used as the basis for imposing student discipline. If criminal actions are recorded, a copy of the tape may be provided to law enforcement personnel. Per ISBE rules, viewing and/or listening to electronic video and/or audio recordings is limited to law enforcement officers and district and/or transportation personnel who have a need to investigate student or driver conduct.
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