Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is e-Learning?
  2. What is the schedule for e-Learning?
  3. When are teachers available to answer questions?
  4. Which grade levels will participate in e-Learning?
  5. How does my child find out about his/her learning plan and assignments?
  6. Will my child receive grades?
  7. How do e-Learning plans work for students with IEPs or students who quality for EL Services?
  8. What if my student will be absent from e-Learning?
  9. What if I need technical assistance?

What is e-Learning?
e-Learning is utilizing electronic technologies to access educational curriculum outside of a traditional classroom, which includes both online digital resources and current classroom resources posted for student learning. Students will receive a combination of direct instruction and small group instruction with independent work.

What is the schedule for e-Learning?
CMS students will follow a learning schedule 8 a.m.–2:55 p.m.
Elementary students’ learning schedule is 8:55 a.m.–3:35 p.m.
Lunch, brain breaks, and Specials/Encore will be part of the full school day.

When are teachers available to answer questions?
Teachers will be available to answer questions and interact with students during student attendance hours. 

Which grade levels will participate in e-Learning?
All grades EC through 8 will participate in remote learning.

How does my child find out about his/her learning plan and assignments?
Teachers will provide learning plans, resources, and assignments via Schoology or Seesaw learning platforms.

Will my child receive grades?
Students will be graded using traditional grading (A, B, C…) or standards-based grading, whichever grading system applies to your child.

How do e-Learning plans work for students with IEPs or students who quality for EL Services?
Students with IEPs and 504 plans will have accommodations built into learning assignments. Alternate assignments may be substituted related to IEP goals. Students who have direct related services will engage in an activity provided by the related service personnel. An EL teacher will be available to support students with EL service needs.

What if my student will be absent from e-Learning?
Parents are expected to follow the normal protocol of calling their child in sick each morning by 9 a.m. for CMS students and 10 a.m. for elementary students.

What if I need technical assistance?
You may use one of the following options to submit a technology request Monday–Friday between the hours of 8 a.m.-3 p.m.: Online request form or email [email protected].
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